Monday, September 9, 2024

What's new at SPACE?

What's new at SPACE?
New animations for more networking and conviviality!

SPACE offers a range of new products this year with the launch of new animations to be discovered during these three days. 
Village des Médaillés
Village of the Breton Medalists

SPACE organizes for the first time the first village of Breton producers awarded a medal in the framework of the Concours Général Agricole in 2024.
Located at the intersection of Halls 7 and 8 (near Gate D), eight winners will present their iconic products and medals and allow all participants to leave with good products.
Farming Simulator

Farming Simulator, which has several million players worldwide, is the first game of farm management, covering both livestock, field crops and vineyards.
The first French cup dedicated to agricultural education, launched this summer, is reaching a new level at SPACE 2024!

The Terrace Space

To promote the conditions of this
conviviality, the catering offer is evolving this year with more restaurants and a new «Terrace Space» that will host several food trucks, a Stade Rennais bar and a large covered terrace.
Come and enjoy a break with friends, family or colleagues while!


Leave SPACE with a souvenir! Sweet souvenir shops are available on the Salon: in front of the Commissariat Général and at the junction of halls 7 and 8.